COVID-19 concern on campus

Over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, Brown students expressed limited concern about the spread of the virus overall. A strong majority — 61.4% of respondents — reported being either slightly concerned or not concerned at all. Only 11% of students reported being very or extremely concerned, while 27.6% reported being somewhat concerned. The University made masking and testing optional in March with some exceptions, and in the week preceding the poll, 134 students and 37 employees reported testing positive for COVID-19. Concern about the spread of COVID-19 on campus is roughly the same among all class years. At 56%, a slight majority of varsity athlete respondents said that they are not concerned about the spread of COVID-19 on campus, compared to 30% of non-athlete students.

COVID-19 Policies

With no requirements by the University, students may choose how often to test themselves for COVID-19. Previously, the University required testing twice a week; now, just 10.8% of respondents reported testing at least twice a week, and 22% said they test weekly. A plurality — 40.7% — reported testing less than once a week, and 26.5% said that under optional testing, they never test for COVID-19. While 35% of students who are not varsity athletes said they test for COVID-19 at least once a week under the University’s optional testing policy, only 16% of varsity athletes do so. Over one-half of varsity athletes reported never testing for COVID-19 since testing became optional, compared to about one-quarter of students who are not varsity athletes.

Mask wearing on campus

Since the University moved to a mask-optional policy, 41.1% of respondents reported not wearing a mask more often than not in all indoor spaces where masks are not required. Masking remains most prevalent in classes, with 38.7% of respondents reporting wearing a mask more often than not in class. At least 30% of respondents reported wearing masks more often than not in dining halls, libraries and other study spaces and dorm hallways and bathrooms. Roughly a quarter of respondents report wearing a mask in indoor athletic facilities. The University’s mask requirement for indoor athletic facilities, as well as for theater productions, music, dance and a capella, was lifted in early March, prior to the broader shift to a mask-optional policy.

COVID-19 Testing

With no requirements by the University, students may choose how often to test themselves for COVID-19. Previously, the University required testing twice a week; now, just 10.8% of respondents reported testing at least twice a week, and 22% said they test weekly. A plurality — 40.7% — reported testing less than once a week, and 26.5% said that under optional testing, they never test for COVID-19. While 35% of students who are not varsity athletes said they test for COVID-19 at least once a week under the University’s optional testing policy, only 16% of varsity athletes do so. Over one-half of varsity athletes reported never testing for COVID-19 since testing became optional, compared to about one-quarter of students who are not varsity athletes.